Today’s teaser looks at the tenth book in my Middle Grade series, Free Rein. Enjoy Selah! You can read the Kindle or paperback versions of this book and it is free to read on Kindle Unlimited.
Geordie started up a soft conversation, glancing at the grey gelding out of the corner of her eye. He had seen her come into the small paddock and had even tensed as if he was going to flee but the fact that Geordie hadn’t approached him seemed to have paused that train of thought.
He still appeared tense and was assessing her curiously, but Geordie was in no rush to go anywhere. And she definitely didn’t have a plan to catch the young horse. She was just going to hang out with him as Kate had asked but not put any pressure on him. So instead, she decided she was just going to talk softly and if Chairo came to check her out, then that was good. If not, she was ok with that, too
She spoke quietly, knowing that the young horse would hear her, but her nearby friends wouldn’t.
Tuesday Teaser – Selah

“So there’s this boy… He’s called Peter and he’s started to come along to church with Jared. I think they go to school together. Peter’s totally unhorsey… but don’t hold that against him. He’s actually asking lots of cool questions about horses and seems keen to learn. I think we need more horses and ponies to ride! Captain has been great for Jared to learn to ride on and I think he’ll be great for Peter, too if he comes again… but maybe you could be a horse for Jared to ride, what do you think? Have you been ridden before?”
Geordie kept up her chatter and Chairo relaxed enough to start grazing. He kept one ear trained on her.
“Mrs. King said that you are around eight… so you’re definitely old enough to be started under saddle. I wonder what you looked like before you got neglected. You’re a lovely dark grey colour – that’ll probably lighten as you get older.”
Geordie continued talking, telling Chairo all about the school holidays coming up in a week’s time. She let him know about their end of year break up and Jacqui’s idea for their broken costume. She’d just started to gear up for outlining what they had planned for him over the holidays when Hannah called out to her.
“My turn!”
“Next time I’ll tell you all about the private school that my parents have decided I will go to next year. I still have to tell Jacqui and Hannah,” Geordie whispered to Chairo as she stood up slowly, not wanting to upset the young horse.
If you know of someone who may enjoy this novel, I encourage you to share this post with them And if you fancy securing yourself a copy, you can head along to Amazon for a Kindle or paperback version. It’s also free to read on Kindle Unlimited.
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