Hi everyone! I am pleased to be able to share that the ninth book in the Free Rein series titled Chairo has recently been released on Amazon!
If you want to be one of the first to hear about my latest releases, be sure to sign up to my author mailing list 🙂 I try to share with this list of readers first and keep them up to speed on all my writing projects.

Want to find out more about the latest release? Check out the blurb for Chairo:
Chairo Blurb
Jared is pleased to be able to call Jacqui, Geordie and Hannah his friends. As his horse learning journey continues, a malnourished grey gelding becomes a part of his learning experience. Jared realises that it’s not only people that can hurt other people – they can hurt horses too.
Jared’s life is suddenly filled with his new friends, including Peter who used to bully him. Jared is pleased to be able to introduce Peter to the people at church who encouraged him to befriend the young boy. Whilst there, he learns about a Greek word that describes the joy Christians can find in God.
The new word somehow seems fitting for the new horse and Jared questions how he can joyfully work to restore the trust that the grey gelding seems to have lost.
In other writing news, I am currently editing the ninth book in my Thoroughbred Breeders book, also. So stay tuned for news about this – hopefully next month! On top of that, I have a standalone horse romance novel for young adults that is nearly finished. I hope to be able to release that this year also 🙂