Because this site is an amalgamation of my two previous sites, there is some content I need to reshare! So this information was on a page on the Free Rein site. I thought I would put it into a blog post here 🙂
I thought it would be good to share a little bit about the Free Rein book covers so far in the series. My husband and I have designed the covers, with some help from our photographer, Cait O’Pray. Each of the photos featured on the first five books in the series have been taken by Cait.

Book one is a photo that Cait took of a friend’s daughter’s pony.

Books 2, 3 and 4 feature horses from Blinkbonnie Equestrian Centre. I used to work here as a stable hand and got a lot of ideas for my first novel, Horse Country!

Book 5 was released in June 2015. It features a photo that Cait O’Pray took at a local riding school, Kurrajong Park.

The horse photo in book 6 was taken by myself. It is on a thoroughbred stud that I worked at in Victoria, Australia. My previous boss was only too happy to allow me to use the photo on the book cover! He has also kindly provided permission for a lot of photos on the covers of my Thoroughbred Breeders series for adults. This horse above represents Jacqui’s family’s horse, a big bay gelding named Captain.
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