It’s now a week into Camp NaNo. I’m pleased to say that the next book in the Free Rein series is progressing well! The last few days of June I was able to power ahead with this novel. It went from around one third written to almost two thirds in a matter of days! Now the book to be titled Selah (Free Rein #10) is about 80% done.
I am so thankful for the days that allow me to write a lot and make real progress; it makes the slower days ok! The first day of Camp Nano resulted in a 0 word count total for me. In spite of this, 4 days later I was ahead of my goal by close to 500 words – yay!
I plan to focus on and finish Selah (Free Rein #10) and then will turn my attention to continuing with the last Camp Nano creation – the Chemistry of Horses. Stay tuned!

Don’t forget that I have signed up to Booksprout which allows me to provide Advanced Reader Copies (ARCs) of new releases free to people in exchange for an honest review.
Links to note:
- Refuge ARCs on Booksprout – there are still free copies available to readers for an honest review.
- Christine Meunier on Booksprout – if you follow me as an author, then you can be kept in the loop about all future Advanced Reader Copies. Why not become a part of a team to read early copies before the books are published?