It’s lovely to be able to share about my October release on Amazon. Context (Free Rein #11) is now available for purchase on Amazon.
Here’s the blurb:
The school holidays have started. Jacqui, Geordie and Hannah are looking forward to a lot more horse time. Jared is excited to be included in those plans. Jared’s friend Peter invariably becomes a part of those plans, too.
Peter attends church with Jared, keen to talk with Tony King about an idea he’s had. Attending the teen’s bible study with Jared helps Peter to consider the bigger picture. It seems putting his life into context can help him to ignore previous slights to him and his family. As Jared learns of his friend’s revelation, he marvels at the fact that church and God can help even a friend who doesn’t believe in God.

As the book is only just released on Amazon, I’m keen to secure some early reviews and feedback! Why not secure yourself an Advanced Review Copy? Otherwise, you can purchase on Amazon or read on Kindle Unlimited.
Tomorrow is the official start of National Novel Writing Month. So my October count for the four novels I will be working on are:
- Free Rein 12 – 1,667 words
- View from Above – 5,021 words
- E and E – 21,976 words
- The Chemistry of Horses – 8,221 words
Stay tuned for writing updates and how NaNoWriMo is travelling 🙂
[…] at just over 30,000 words. And the plan is still to finish this novel and continue on with the other 3 that are current works in progress. Stay tuned […]