Hi everyone!
I got started on CampNano a few days early, anticipating a busy April month. It was a wonderful feeling to start the month of April, having already penned the first two chapters of the next Free Rein book. It’s wonderful now, also to have finished the story halfway through CampNano.
My goal is to pen around 35,000 words for the whole of April and I’m on track (a little ahead!) of that goal. My main focus was to finish this next Free Rein book so that I can publish it at the end of April or early May. Now that this has been achieved, I hope to focus on completing The Chemistry of Horses. Either way, this month’s CampNano has been successful! Stay tuned for future book news 🙂

Free Rein Paperbacks
On a side note, it appears that my paperback versions of the Free Rein series need to undergo a price increase. I had them set at a rate of $11.95 AUD. Whilst this price is suitable if people buy directly through the self-publishing company Lulu, it isn’t for other marketplaces. So to continue to offer my paperbacks through Amazon, I need to increase the prices so that Amazon and Lulu get their revenue when a sale is made… so bear with me if you’ve been trying to purchase paperbacks through Amazon – I normally have sales each month and have now realised why none occurred in March!
I am working on reviewing the books and getting them back up on Amazon. It’s just not a quick process of increasing the price and things are set. Instead proof copies need to be organised and approved and then the new price change can be reflected.