Today’s teaser looks at the first book in my Middle Grade series, Free Rein. Enjoy New Beginnings! You can read the Kindle or paperback versions of this book and it is free to read on Kindle Unlimited.
Jacqui hurriedly finished her breakfast, keen to see all of the property that morning. It was half past eight already and her mother had told her that rain was forecast for the afternoon – she needed to get moving!

Pulling on a jacket and a pair of gumboots she stepped off the front porch, running to the back of the house. Here were the two paddocks she’d looked out at through her bedroom window. She unlocked the large gate into the first paddock, being sure to lock it after her in spite of there being no horses on the property.
Jacqui dodged puddles as she walked the perimeter of the paddock, looking at the fences. She patted the pen and paper in her jacket pocket, making sure that they were where she’d put them. The fencing looked old but ok to her, but she wasn’t sure what horse fencing should look like. She made a note to ask her mother if she knew.
Jacqui made it to the end of the first paddock and decided to go through the gate into the second. She wanted to turn right and continue around the perimeter of this first paddock she’d entered, but to the left of the next paddock in front of her it looked like there was an arena of sorts and a few figures riding horses.
Curious, she climbed over a small hill that was made up of a large concrete pipe covered over with soil. Water trickled through the pipe and into a large ditch that lined the paddock fence. Jacqui made a note on her piece of paper to tell her mum about it later.
She left the gate open to this second paddock, wanting to get closer to the arena quickly. She grinned as she watched three people riding their horses around an arena at the trot, being instructed by another figure standing in the middle of them.
A horse riding school? We live next to a horse riding school!
Jacqui ran closer, standing at the fence line to watch the three moving across the middle of the arena and then changing direction.
“Don’t forget to change your diagonal as you change direction!” their instructor called out, correcting one rider.
Jacqui looked at the three horses, two brown in colour and one a reddish colour. This she knew to be chestnut because of her mother’s gift of a horse book a year ago. The horses looked so lovely to Jacqui that she lost track of time watching them. She sighed when the lesson seemed to come to an end, the instructor letting the group of three out of the arena where they disappeared from view.
Jacqui watched for awhile longer but it seemed that no one else was coming to ride in the arena for her to watch. Shrugging her shoulders she continued on down the fence line, knowing that this paddock was the end of their property in one direction.
If you know of someone who may enjoy this novel, I encourage you to share this post with them And if you fancy securing yourself a copy, you can head along to Amazon for a Kindle or paperback version. It’s also free to read on Kindle Unlimited.