It’s an interesting season of our lives at the moment. I have no doubt many people around the world can say this. We are experiencing a lovely autumn at the moment and I am so thankful that we have a big backyard that the children can run around in, get some fresh air and some sunshine.

We have planted different fruit and nut trees in the garden and our mandarin tree is looking at fruiting for the second time. Currently it is an incredible picture of health and growth that makes me consider my life and my writing. The tree appears to have various different stages on it at the moment:
- it has new leaves
- there are buds
- some flowers are open
- there are small and slightly larger little green mandarins that are growing daily
This is what I hope my life looks like. Fruit is growing and developing. This may be books that I have finished but am yet to publish and books that have already been published and are available for people to purchase, read and be influenced by.
And then there are the flowers that are waiting to be pollinated by bees – book ideas that need more time and effort put into them to develop a full story and of course, the buds are just as important. These are the ideas that will create a plot for a story.
Mandarin Trees and Writing
I love looking at the mandarin tree as it encompasses all of these stages at once. What an incredibly productive plant! And so I hope that my writing continues in this manner and even at a time when the world appears to have been put on pause and people are in confinement, that I will continue to grow and develop fruit in the form of my writing, daily habits and raising of my children.
I pray that my writing and my life continue to be able to be likened to this mandarin tree: consistently productive. What good fruit are you developing currently?
In exciting writing news, Free Rein books 7-9 are now combined in a bundle on Amazon for easy reading access! You can read these on Kindle Unlimited for free 🙂