Hi everyone! I have been doing a lot of writing of late and Free Rein 7 is being edited for release in December. I thought I’d share with you the blurb for the next book in the Free Rein series, and the cover which has recently been completed!

Hannah is devastated to learn that she may lose her beloved pony Jasper. Her parents are struggling financially and conclude that a pony and its associated care, cost too much.
As Jacqui learns about her friend’s sad news, her eyes are opened to the concept of something that is broken. She observes Hannah’s personality change as she focuses on her disappointment and anger at losing something she loves.
Jacqui and Geordie work hard to find ways for Hannah to keep Jasper. As they do this, they learn about the broken spirited who are comforted by God. Jacqui questions if her God can help to comfort her friend and ultimately turn the situation around. If not, she fears her friendship with Hannah will be broken. But can God comfort Hannah when she doesn’t know who He is?
On a side note, books 4 – 6 of my Thoroughbred Breeders series are now in a bundle! You can purchase Breakover, Focus and Yearling Sales together via this link.
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