Evening everyone! I have had a pretty full on week this week, but in spite of that, I have had opportunity many evenings to continue writing. And for this, I am very thankful. The Horse Missionary was finished last night. Now, I can focus on the cover creation and run it through another proofing before publishing. Hopefully that can all occur this month!

Whilst I have a few other novels in the works at the moment, I have no idea which novel will be the next to come to completion. E and E, a follow on from B and B was taking shape a month or two ago and then the Horse Missionary picked up speed again.
I recently heard an American woman sharing with an audience on the Christian radio station that I listen to. This woman was recounting the fact that her husband is very particular. He will work on one task and bring it to completion. Then, he will focus on another.
On the other hand, she would have many projects on the go at once. As she loses interest with one, she can turn attention to another that may take her fancy at that point in time. I can so relate! I am like that with books; if one appears to be slowing, then I tend to find that another will take off and I can invest my efforts in writing that one. I enjoy that! So, stay tuned for release details of the Horse Missionary and for October, who knows?
I hope you’re able to touch base with others at this point in time, aren’t feeling lonely or boxed in and can even find an entertaining escape in a good horse book or two. Don’t forget, all of my novels are free to read on Kindle Unlimited !
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