Luke 16:9 – 10 – ‘I tell you, use your worldly resources to benefit others and make friends. In this way, your generosity stores up a reward for you in heaven. Unless you are faithful in small matters, you won’t be faithful in large ones. If you cheat even a little, you won’t be honest with greater responsibilities.’
It is important to remember that ‘the world and all that is in it belong to the Lord; the earth and all who live on it are his.’ (Psalm 24:1). If we acknowledge this, then we are more inclined to be careful with what we have been given – a job, a home, finances, relationships, things and our time.
Wealth is a responsibility. It is a great one to have. Much like raising children is a big job; it is an awesome privilege, too! If God has blessed you with wealth, it is both an encouragement and a test for you. Be encouraged that God feels you can be entrusted with finances to better others, to better this world. Recognise too that the way you utilise the money that’s been entrusted to you will be called to account.

Your generosity stores up a reward for you in heaven… When we use our finances to benefit others, it pleases God.
Learn to be thankful for small opportunities to prove your faithfulness. As you work hard to invest the small amount of finances you have, then God will endeavour to trust you with more. Try to live life with the mindset that everything you have has been loaned to you and you need to take the best care of it you possibly can.
It is my prayer for you:
– That you will grasp the concept of good stewardship with the things entrusted to you – people, finances, assets, etc.
– That you will be encouraged, knowing that God is holding you responsible to wisely utilise the money he has brought your way.
– That you will treat every opportunity to be faithful as important – no matter how big or small.
Today’s prayer:
Lord I thank you that you have entrusted finances to me. I pray that I would use it on this earth to benefit others and help build your kingdom. I want to be recognised as a faithful steward, help me to see my finances how You see them.
Actionable ideas:
Looking to make a big investment soon? Consider if a loan is truly necessary. Other than a mortgage, in a short time frame it should be possible to save regular amounts and purchase items outright. A $10,000 car could end up costing you $12,000 over a 5 year period and will devalue by half in the first 12 months. Buying a similar vehicle that is 12 months old with cash may be a much smarter move financially.
*these posts are from Wealthy Christians, a 30 day devotional. You can download it free on Smashwords.
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