Proverbs 22:9 – ‘A generous person will be blessed, for he gives some of his food to the poor.’
It is my firm belief that God will get it to you if he can get it through you. He will give it to you if you will use it for Him.
God places importance on being generous. Whenever it is possible, we should be generous. We should give of our time, our finances, kind words, and our food.

Wealthy Christians need to have a great grasp of the concept of blessing others.
They need to recognise opportunities to bless a fellow Christian or a complete stranger. And then they need to act on it.
As you are able to generate wealth, your desire to bless others shouldn’t be only a desire. It should be even more possible! As you find yourself with more money than you need, you can focus on regularly using it to bless others.
You may choose to give more than you need to at church; you may choose to give to local causes or even internationally. Or perhaps you’ll invest your extra finances in buying supplies to cook up a storm and invite lonely locals over for a meal and some company! At the end of the day, how you bless others is between you and God.
Having wealth just opens up your opportunities to do so.
Blessing Others
You can also bless others by helping them to be in a good financial situation. Maybe you can open a savings account for your children – or even your siblings or parents.
It is my prayer for you:
- That you will be able to bless others with your finances, because you are generating more than enough.
- You will recognise the value of giving to God’s children when you can.
- That you will understand that blessing can come in many forms: listening,
giving of your time, praying for others, offering a meal, doing something for
someone or providing a lift somewhere – it is not limited to financial help!
Today’s prayer:
Lord I thank you that you have provided me with the opportunity to bless others. As my finances increase, please help me to see where I can best make an impact for you by being generous with my money.
Actionable ideas:
Find a cause that you’re passionate about and look into ways you can make a difference. This could be through giving a regular amount or through donating your time and skills. Another way you can actively help is by covering the organisation with regular prayer.
*these posts are from Wealthy Christians, a 30 day devotional. You can download it free on Smashwords.
Beloved of God, with Whom there are no coincidences,
Just now, as I was praying about the financial concerns of my dear Sister-in-Christ, Deborah McAlexander, I asked “LORD, who gives wealth away? “ HE suggested that I put that question to Safari. Of all possible options, your post came up first! It is obvious that you know and love horses, too, so you’ll understand what I’m sharing.
To appreciate where Deborah is and what she is doing please find her at To understand why I am writing please visit
As her sister-in-Christ, I have shared her vision of using para dressage as her platform for sharing the love of Christ and the perfect plan of GOD.
Having sold her home and most of her possessions, she moved to TX to train in the discipline of dressage to become a Paralympic Team member.
Although a competitive equestrian all her life, she only heard about Para dressage three years ago! Having been legally blind since age twenty-four, investigating para dressage seemed a long sought answer.
Deborah is committed to her calling. She states, “I ride by faith not by sight.”
Neither of us could have imagined how very expensive this journey would be, yet “by faith…” in HIM , Who has called, she has continued to train.
The reality is that we have been seeking sponsorship, believing that Deborah has what it takes to be a winning sponsoree.
She has written personal letters to companies which have interests in horses, tack, nutrition, and riding gear. Our small 501(c)(3) has printed and mailed an ask letter to those we know who have known Deborah and know of her new direction.
By faith Deborah and I continue to claim HIS great and precious promises, believing that HE knows whom HE has called to step up to underwrite Deborah.
You see why It is no coincidence that my question to Safari brought you to my awareness.
Would you pray about guiding us? Would you consider investigating the purpose of Success Beyond Eyesight, Inc. Would you direct us to the resources we need to tap.
Deborah did not know how personally expensive this call from HIM would become, yet she has set her mind, her will, and her emotions to serve HIM in this calling.
I do not know anything about you, your background , or your experience, but GOD knows all about it.
It was no coincidence, but Divine Timing, that lead me to you today.
Thank you for praying about receiving this message at this time and for this cause. Thank you for choosing to continue praying about how GOD will guide you in being a part of HIS story.
Hi Marsha,
What a story to tell! I’ve had a look at Deborah’s website and Success Beyond Eyesight and will plan to put together a blog post over at around this incredible endeavour.