Proverbs 11:24 – 25 – ‘It is possible to give freely and become more wealthy, but those who are stingy will lose everything. The generous prosper and are satisfied; those who refresh others will themselves be refreshed.’
There are many people in this world who desire wealth. One question that I think needs to be answered before we go seeking it, is this: why? Why do you want to be wealthy? In what way will it benefit you? In what way will it benefit others?

If as a Christian person you desire wealth solely for your benefit, then I challenge you to change your priorities. God has generously blessed all of us! In turn, he encourages us to bless others with our abundance. That which he has given us so freely, he wants us to give to others.
In fact, his word indicates that the more we give, the more we’ll be in a position to receive. Many people will argue that the best way to acquire wealth is to hold onto as much money as possible and let it accumulate. But of what value is this?
The Reason for Wealth
When God blesses us with finances, he expects us to be good stewards of this money!
We can be good stewards by using it to support ourselves and our family as well as investing in our local church, giving back to God and using it to provide for those in need.
Be sure to keep your perspective on wealth: it isn’t for you. It is for God. It is for you to impact the world for God. The more you earn, the more you can give – this should be your desire for wealth!
It is my prayer for you:
- That you would recognise how God would have you best use your finances on this earth.
- To be able to recognise how a group of committed wealthy Christians could positively impact this world for God’s benefit.
- That you would understand the importance of giving out of your abundance.
Today’s prayer:
Lord I thank you that you have blessed me with finances. I pray that you would guide me where to invest my money. Help me to manage it so that I am able to live comfortably, save and invest in your kingdom on this earth.
Actionable ideas:
List items that you buy on a regular basis. Determine which can be bought in bulk to
save money. Start to shop around for places that allow you to buy these products in bulk and purchase here if it will save you money.
*these posts are from Wealthy Christians, a 30 day devotional. You can download it free on Smashwords.
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