Today’s teaser looks at the first book in my Young Adult series, the Bridge Next Door. Enjoy The Longest Day!
Below is an affiliate link to The Longest Day on Amazon. It is also free to read on Kindle Unlimited.

James Clifton looked out the classroom window curiously. The class had recently been set their first math task for the morning.
James felt he had things worked out pretty well. Academically he did great with school, he just didn’t want to be here. So now a few weeks into a new year and only a week into a new school, James made sure to charge ahead with the tasks set for him and then take a few minutes to ponder his situation before he finished off the set work.
If ever a teacher checked up on him, they would see that he was working through the task. He didn’t see any point in letting them know that he could have finished it a lot quicker than he did. Ultimately, it got done and he got to consider his options.
A young woman had just been dropped off at the school.
James watched as she turned around to speak with the driver of the car. He was surprised to see her blowing a kiss to the man – who was obviously older – before she headed into school. He looked back at the man in the car and recognised him as one of the teachers.
He forgot what his name was and even what he taught at that school, but James knew he’d met the man when first checking out the local high school with his father. What on earth was going on with those two?
James quickly turned his attention back to the math questions before him, another question in his mind: who was the girl? And if she was a student here, why was she so familiar with one of the teachers?
The class passed slowly, but James was thankful at least that he didn’t have any homework from the session that morning. He’d finished it all well before the end of the lesson.
As the bell rang at the end of class, James gathered his books and double checked his diary. He was still getting used to his timetable and wasn’t sure he knew where all the rooms were.
It frustrated him that each subject couldn’t just be in the same room. He didn’t see why the timetable had to be set on a fortnightly roster. Couldn’t it just be one week that was repeated for the term or semester? That sure would be easier to remember.
James had Biology next. He made sure he knew where he was headed and then left the classroom where he’d just had math.
Although his next class was close by, it was filled with students by the time he got there. The sixteen-year-old held back a sigh as his gaze travelled the various desks in the laboratory-like room.
There were three spare seats.
He could sit on a table by himself… or take one of the two that each had one other person already at the table. One with a male was closest and he headed toward this slowly – too slowly.
Another classmate came in behind him and rushed to take that spare seat.
James looked to the young woman who was at the other table. She gave him a small smile and shrugged. He returned the smile and made his way over – at least she’d acknowledged him.
“Hi… okay if I join you?”
“If you like, sure. But be warned we’re being paired up this week. Most of the other students don’t like having a year ten student to pair up with. I’m not sure if it’s because they perceive I can’t know as much, what with being a year lower…” she started.
“Or perhaps they’re intimidated because you know as much as them at a younger age,” James countered with a grin as he let his bag fall to the ground beside the table.
The girl smiled.
“I like you already. I’m Kelly. Are you new here?”
If you know of someone who may enjoy this novel, I encourage you to share this post with them 🙂 And if you fancy securing yourself a copy, you can head along to Amazon for a Kindle version. It’s also free to read on Kindle Unlimited.
[…] able to take part in. I’ve been re-reading the first two books in my young adult series, the Bridge Next Door, recently. I’m hoping to finish off the third book in the upcoming CampNano. But we’ll […]