Currently I am sitting at home listening to the rain fall lightly, but steadily outside. As we’re in the middle of spring it is a welcome sound! It has been a relatively dry season and being based in a regional area, I am mindful of bush fires. And generally, I just love the sound of rain and the way it waters the garden and helps things to grow!

Book 3 in my Thoroughbred Breeders series is currently available for free download on Instafreebie. To try and get the book in front of potential new readers, I have joined some group giveaways. None of these are horse related!
A giveaway that started on October 10 is titled the Start Reading Diverse Young Adult Giveaway. My book was eligible for this giveaway due to Savannah’s character being considered in a minority. For those who aren’t aware, Savannah is an Australian woman whose heritage goes back to Reunion Island (west of Australia and south-east of Africa). She has dark skin and English isn’t her first language. I am looking forward to introducing her to new readers!
If you’re up for a free horse book and haven’t already downloaded this one, I encourage you to check out the giveaway! Ann Hunter’s North Oak series also has a book in this giveaway. Two free horse books – yay! On top of this, there are 20 other books available for free download if you opt in to the author’s mailing list. So why not check out the giveaway? You can view the title and blurb for each book prior to requesting to download them 🙂
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