I have come to the conclusion recently that I read like I write. Perhaps, you do too? I have a lot of books on the go currently. Some of these I read a little a day, such as my bible and any devotional/s I may be reading. Others, I pick up and get started and then find that another book draws my attention, or something else needs to be read for reviewing and so those that I have started, wait a little longer to be finished. And then there are some that I pick up and devour in a matter of days. And it seems, that I write like this, too! Read and write.
Free Rein #10 to be titled Selah had been barely started at the end of June. Then the last week leading up to Camp Nano, it became two thirds written. Then 8 days into a month of planned dedicated writing, and it was finished! I love it when that happens. It took me ten years to complete my debut novel Horse Country and two weeks to write the first two books in the Free Rein series. But some books are like that!

I have many, many books on the go at one time and it’s always nice to bring one to completion! That said, I have admitted before that I love starting a new book as this is often when I get the most written in one session.
Read and Write
So I’ve finished Free Rein #10 which was my goal for this month and I have progressed a little with the Chemistry of Horses as I also had planned. But a new novel idea formed and I have penned 2500 words for this whilst also adding to E and E, a follow on story from my Christian Horse Romance B and B.
So to continue in line with my plan to release a book a month in 2020, stay tuned! The plan is to publish Selah this month and hopefully have something else to bring to the public for August. I’m just not sure if that’ll be the Chemistry of Horses, E and E or a new novel that is yet waiting to be written… 😀