Many are familiar with sharing the love at Valentine’s Day. I’d like to encourage you to do so in a different way on February 14 of this year!
Love Your Author is an event that is being run on Facebook to encourage avid readers to review their favourite books. Think of your favourite authors.
Now question yourself:
Can I share my love of a particular book on February 14th to help promote the love of authors around the world?
I hope you said yes! I have a challenge for you: choose a particular book (or books!) and make an effort to post a review of that book online on February 14th, sharing why you enjoyed reading it so much. If you’re so inclined, post the same review in many places (Amazon, Goodreads, LibraryThing, etc)!

Because we’re now in January, if you’ve picked an old favourite but need to refresh your memory by reading it again, there’s time! Or find yourself a book that you’ve been meaning to read and start that now 🙂
I’ll post up a reminder just before February 14th with a link to where you can purchase my 3 novels and where you can leave reviews for them. If you fancy an eBook read, why not purchase Horse Country for $5.95?