Last year I took part in the Summer Horse Book Reading Program. Whilst it’s still very much horse focused, this year it’s known as the Kids Summer Reading program.

Want to take part? Be sure to check out how to participate.
1. Download the reading log through the above link
2. Register to participate
3. Read and complete the logbook activities, marking them off as completed.
4. Submit completed cards
If you’re an author who would like to participate, I encourage you to check out ‘Become a Participating Author‘. As the program runs from June 1 – September 1, there’s still time to take part!
I have the Free Rein series, book 1 New Beginnings on feature in this year’s reading program. You can check it out on the site via If you’re a young reader, I encourage you to take part and discover some new horse book authors!
[…] finished reading the first Pocket Pegasus book by Susan Stafford. My son won this as a part of the Summer Reading Program. If you’re interested in this fantasy horse series for middle grade readers, I encourage you […]