So now that we’re in September and the glorious spring season here in Australia, I wanted to be able to share with you about my writing goal for the month of July. As you would be aware if you read this blog, I had set myself a goal to pen the 3 books of the Insular trilogy in the month of July. This coincided with the July Camp NanoWriMo.

I anticipated the books spanning about 90,000 words for the total of the three and was rapt to have finished books 1 and 2 about 2/3 of the way into July! Of course, I had a head start in that I’d already penned about 10,000 words in late June with lots of ideas for chapters / sections of the book/s.
I fell behind in my writing goal by about 9,000 words. This was about halfway through the month. So I worked hard to keep on top of things – and even to catch up! I was rapt to pen my last lot of words to hit the 90,000 word goal. This was late on Tuesday evening of July 31st. I knew if I didn’t make myself sit down and finish, then I would have lost the opportunity to achieve what I set out to do.
After all, it was the last day of July! I’m sure you can imagine my relief – and sense of satisfaction – when I penned those words that allowed me to hit my target goal!

The great thing is, once you complete your project goal and put it in for a word count on the site, you’re then deemed a winner for that particular camp. And the prizes on offer included some freebies! So I’ve received these – some are online video courses relating to writing and publishing. I’ll look forward to getting stuck into them as I’m able!
Book number 3 isn’t yet complete. However, I do know where things are going and have a large chunk of it written. Life is super busy with a newborn and a young family to focus on. But I do aim to finish the last book by September. In this way I should be able to aim for a planned release of one book a month. This will be over October – December of 2018. Stay tuned!
National Novel Writing Month is in November, so I’ll plan to get a new writing goal then; perhaps the next Free Rein book?
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