Introducing The Longest Day (The Bridge Next Door #1)
Remember how I finished *two* novels for National Novel Writing Month? Well now I get to share that the second book has been edited, a cover designed and it is now live on Amazon :).
The Longest Day is the first book in my new series for young adults. The Bridge Next Door series is aimed at 15 – 18 year old readers. The main characters are in Year 10 and 11 in High School in Australia. And of course, they’re horse mad!

Here’s the blurb of the first book in this series:
Jessica Bradford cannot believe how long one day can be. Her favourite yearling colt was favouring a foreleg when she checked him that morning. Yet in spite of this, her parents insist she goes to school.
The last thing the fifteen-year-old horse fanatic wants, is to spend a day focused on Year 10. She wants to stay on the family thoroughbred stud with her beloved colt and find out the vet’s diagnosis. But that’s not to be. When the longest day finally ends, will Jessica receive good news about the thoroughbred colt?
You can check out this new series via to purchase or read for free on Kindle Unlimited. The Longest Day is currently available on pre-order and due for release January 2nd. I hope you enjoy 🙂
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