Hi everyone! I have recently designed the covers for the three books in the Insular trilogy. The books are to be titled Unchurched, Blemished and Insular. The idea with the book covers explores how one of the main characters – Jude – sees the rich and their local church.
It seems to Jude that high society – the insular crowd – want to keep their wealth within their local church and not out benefiting the community. As Jude explores and explains this concept to a character in the book, he likens it to a cross within a bubble.

The church is supposed to be far reaching but the local rich community keep their wealth to themselves. In this regard, Jude feels they’re not acting as a church should.
So their faith is contained within the bubble of their local church. As the trilogy continues, some members of the insular community learn about the importance of breaking out of this bubble to reach a lost and hurting community. This is what I have tried to portray in the covers for these three books. What do you think?
Insular Trilogy Covers
I actually finished designing the book covers before I finished the third book! After discussing the concept with my husband, he made some suggestions regarding the covers. I was able to implement these and am now happy with how they look – and of course the way they link to the story.

I was further rapt to pen (type!) the last words for Insular on September 28th. The first two books have already been edited and beta read. So now it’s onto completing number three and scheduling the books for their release on Amazon! Stay tuned and if you want to hear release details first, be sure to sign up to my author news 🙂
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