Hi everyone!
I’m rapt to share with you that Grace (Thoroughbred Breeders #7) has recently gone live on Amazon! You can purchase your copy here. Alternatively, all of my books are on Kindle Unlimited so if you use this feature, you can read it free!
Here’s the blurb for my latest release:
Savannah is amazed by the bombshell that her sister has dropped. Almost as surprising is their parents’ reaction to it.The joy of a potential relationship with Craig is suddenly overshadowed by an incredible feeling of responsibility toward her sister Keira. As Savannah works to do what she feels is right, she questions why her parents aren’t exercising the grace that Keira so obviously needs.Everyone makes mistakes and they need to be accountable for their actions. In spite of this, Savannah knows that a great part of her faith is the ability to afford grace to others, so why aren’t her parents living out this part of their belief?
I am currently working on a few different writing projects and am aiming for April to be a big writing month. Stay tuned for future book news! 🙂
Many blessings,
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