I feel that the area of Christian horse books is a niche area, but there are definitely other authors that address these two aspects in their books. I loved reading (and still enjoy!) books by Lauraine Snelling that feature horses. That said, I enjoy other books of hers too, even if horses are only mentioned within the story. Now onto future horse books I am working on!

I have a few other book ideas that I’ve been sitting on for awhile that I hope to write and release in the near future, but horses won’t be the feature point for one of these books. I am still writing the Free Rein series and Thoroughbred Breeders and even have a follow up story from B and B that is half written!
Future Horse Books
I have recently been toying with the idea of writing a children’s series that focuses on the fruit of the Holy Spirit. This will be explored with the help of a horse element, but I hope to write all of these books (aimed at primary aged children) and then release them consecutively over a number of months. Stay tuned for news on this! I know once I prioritise time for this project and buckle down to write, it won’t take me long to get caught up in the project – and hopefully complete it in a short timeframe!
I have also started a Christian story for adults. It will explore three different classes of people within society and how man made rules and preconceived ideas can result in a very unjust world! So perhaps a little deeper than I usually write, but I promise there’ll be romance involved, too 😉 I am not yet sure if this will be one novel or built into a trilogy.
So there’s a peek into some writing projects that I have started or am thinking about. Some of these I plan to bring to fruition in 2018, so stay tuned!
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