Things have been quiet on the writing/publishing front of late and I wanted to bless readers with the chance to access some of my books for free.
I have the next Thoroughbred Breeders book complete – it just needs to be proofed and published, but is currently on the backburner until I find time to address this! I also have a few other horse books in the works, but little time to focus on them currently.
So in light of that, I thought it would be nice to offer up four days of freebies! The (six) books below will each be available for free download on Amazon Kindle over a two day period. Why not grab yourself a copy?
August 20 / 21: Recessive (Thoroughbred Breeders #3)
August 21 / 22: Insular Trilogy (Unchurched, Blemished, Insular)
August 22 / 23: Free Reign (Free Rein #3)
August 23 / 24: B and B

The Thoroughbred Breeders series has main characters in their early twenties, working in the stud industry. Insular focuses on characters in their mid-twenties and only features horses lightly; the Christian faith has the major focus.
The Free Rein series is aimed at 8-12 year olds and features young girls in their last years of primary school. B and B is a standalone horse Christian novel for adults with the main characters in their thirties. Enjoy!
And why not spread the word so that someone else can download any that may appeal to them? 🙂
You can view all of my books on Amazon, or go to the individual links above.
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