This month’s blog hop at Equus Education focuses on Equine Learning. I wanted to share about the best lesson that I learned regarding horses at the age of 16.

Firstly, I must say that I’ve always been horse obsessed. I’ve always wanted a horse – and my parents blessed me with one for my 14th birthday – and I’ve always wanted to make a living doing something with horses.
It wasn’t until I was 16 years of age and I was able to study horses at school that I came across my first opposition to the idea. My careers teacher at school didn’t want me to do the course. The first student to do it the year prior had failed due to lack of interest and I was to be the second student to do the course (it was new to our school curriculum). He also felt that:
“Horses are a phase all girls go through; you’ll grow out of it when you discover boys.”
Perhaps true for some, but not all! My mother went in to bat for me and I got to do the course – and was the top student academically! I’ve learned that horses are an addiction and even in the sight of opposition, you need to persist if they are your dream – in whatever manner that may be.
Want a career with horses? Check out Equus Education where I have explored over 160 equine careers, different courses and travel options!
[…] First Lesson Learned at Horse Country […]