In line with the start of another month, I want to look at another focus area of horse books: equine authors that create mysteries for adult readers. So below is a list of four equine authors that you may or may not be aware of that fit into this category 🙂
You can also take a look at the previous post, 19 Fantasy Books that Feature Horses.
- Bev Pettersen is an author I have only recently had the pleasure of reading. Perhaps over the past year I have gained access to electronic copies of her horse romances that contain a mystery threaded throughout them. What I really enjoy is the way she makes a believable story out of flawed characters. Bev then weaves in a credible mystery and also stays true to horse information. The stories I have read tend to revolved around the thoroughbred racing industry. This is where my background lies, so it’s nice to read another lot of horse books that contain factual information regarding racehorses. And it’s nice at times to read a story that is aimed at the adult reader!
- Many people in the racing industry have heard of Dick Francis and know his background as a jockey. This seasoned horseman has many, many mystery novels to his name and they tend to feature horses! He’s worth a look if you love the mystery genre and love horses.
- Michele Scott has written some horse related mysteries aimed at adults, too. You can look up titles such as Tacked to Death and Saddled with Trouble.
- Now if you’re a fan of Dick Frances, then you may have had John Francome recommended to you, too. Like Francis, he focuses on horse mysteries within the thoroughbred racing industry. Be sure to check him out if you love a good mystery with the added bonus of equines being involved.

You may feel this is a short list – only four authors! But they have plenty of books between them 😉
Have I missed your all time favourite equine mystery author? Be sure to leave a comment and let me know! It’ll help other fans of this genre potentially discover a new author that they love 😉
*on a side note, please note that these authors are individuals and the content they share within their books doesn’t necessarily fit in with the ideals/Christian emphasis that I portray in mine 😉
I’d love for you to include horse themed cozy mysteries–Dead on the Trail and Dead in the Loft
as well as my suspense/thrillers Desert Tail and Tangled Tail
Thanks for your comment and link, Susan!