Why not hop on over to the interview with author Christine Meunier and take a look? 🙂
Horse books that are educational and entertaining
Why not hop on over to the interview with author Christine Meunier and take a look? 🙂
Well I’m excited to announce that a book cover has been designed for Horse Country! I tend to love earthy and neutral colours so the brown very much appeals to me as a base colour and of course, horses had to be on the cover somewhere!
The book cover has been designed by Graphic Design City. You may like to check out some of their other work at their site!
Well! Chris over at the Story Reading Ape Blog has kindly (and extremely quickly!) put together some information to help publicise Horse Country! Thank you Chris – I’m very grateful!
If you hop on over there to this Horse Country post, you’ll find a picture of the book cover, the blurb and of course links to details on Horse Country!
Have you read the Horse Country blurb? Check it out:
Christine Meunier has lived a life breathing, dreaming and working with horses in the thoroughbred industry in Australia and has also travelled overseas to work in the industry. Horse Country takes her own personal experiences woven into a story about four young women studying and working in the horse industry.
Follow Lise and Wes as they work their way around North East Victoria, Australia in the seasonal world of breeding thoroughbreds. Horse Country follows the seasons of the thoroughbred industry and what the day to day of working on a stud could look like.
A few hours away, Maddie and Melanie are working hard in their parent’s metropolitan riding school, teaching others about horse riding and care of the horse. From the nervous first time rider, to the child who wants to run fast and jump high, the young women shape lessons to suit the individual.
Horses offer a great opportunity to study, learn, work and develop an incredible career around the world. Set in Australia, this novel shows that the land down under is indeed a Horse Country.
Well I’m excited to be launching my first novel. Be sure to check back here often for updates and releases of exciting information regarding the release of the book!
Hi everyone! Well we’re now getting into the month where you’ll find consistent updates on this site. There will be author interviews, book excerpts, some giveaways and more!
Let’s get started with an author interview over at Equus-Blog. It’s a lot about my day to day job with horses, but also provides information around Horse Country. Hop on over to http://equus-blog.com/profile-on-christine-meunier-equine-studies-teacher to take a look! 🙂
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Background image by Please Don’t sell My Artwork AS IS from Pixabay