Author Jo Linsdell has been kind enough to feature Horse Country on her blog. Why not head along to the Friday Feature to read about the book and an interview with the author?
Like Horse Country on Facebook
Did you know you can like Horse Country on Facebook?
The current count is shown above, have you added to this figure? I’ve written Horse Country in the hope of showing people how wonderfully fun it can be to make a career out of horses.
The more people know about the book, the more chances there are of people finding out about the horse industry as a career possibility. Thank you if you’ve already liked the page!
New Adult Writer Author Interview
Well here’s another one for you! Author Megan Cashman profiles writers in the new adult category. Horse Country falls under this category, exploring the lives of four young women who are discovering life, becoming adults.
If you fancy, head along to Wednesday Interview: Christine Meunier to take a look and read some advice for aspiring authors 🙂
An Author Interview with Morgen Bailey
Morgen Bailey runs a site that is dedicated to author interviews. Morgen has kindly taken the time to talk with me about:
- my horse experience
- how Horse Country came to be written
- the message that I hope this equine story will impress upon those wanting to work with horses
- where to purchase the book
Why not head along to Author Spotlight number 252 to take a look? 🙂
4 Weeks to go!

There are now 4 weeks until Horse Country is available for purchase in hard copy and ebook formats!
Interested in purchasing the book?
Horse Country is a 492 page novel regarding working in the thoroughbred industry and a metropolitan horse riding school. If you’re interested in purchasing a copy, be sure to visit Buy the Book on the day of it’s release – July 1!