I’ve been on a learning curve this week in regard to my electronic products. I joined an online 5 day challenge by Jess Winnett. I’ve been learning a lot! The thing that drew me to her challenge was her Kingdom/faith approach and I thought, yeah, it’s time to do a challenge that’s from a Christian perspective.
It’s been great! It’s also helped me to apply small changes that are already resulting in improved exposure and income.

My children planted some radish seeds with me, 5 days ago. I looked up online and saw they germinate pretty quickly – within 5 days. So my children and I anticipated seeing little green shoots today. Five of them turned up yesterday! It was exciting for them to see the result of what they planted earlier this week. I am finding the same thing occurring as I action things today that help me to build my exposure in the days to come – it’s exciting! What can you be doing/planting today that will have an ongoing/eternal impact?
Now I love to write horse books, and horse educational resources, and much more. But even more than that, I love it when people read one of my books and learn about horses and draw closer to God. So I am working now to apply what I’ve learned over the past 5 days. If you know of someone who would enjoy a horse book that also explores the Christian faith, I encourage you to share ChristineMeunierAuthor with them! I write:
So currently I’m focusing on how to better promote my books, but next month is CampNano and I’ll be working on Free Rein #13 and the Chemistry of Horses, another Christian Horse Romance. As always, stay tuned!