I’m not much of an athlete, but it seems at the moment if I was a racehorse, I would be one of those that closes well in a race. I have been taking part in Camp Nano this April as I have for the past couple of years. And whatever project I may be working on, the aim has been to pen around 50,000 words for the month.
To do this, you need to write on average 1667 words a day. Now I’ve not written every day of April and I have not averaged 1667 words a day – closer to 1444. However, I have:
- written in excess of 40,000 words
- finished one half written novella
- two thirds finished a second novella that I started writing in February

So I am going to declare Camp Nano in April a success this year. But back to the racehorse analogy.
Today is April 29 so there is just over 24 hours left to complete CampNano. My word count is at 40,198. From April 17 – 24 I penned over 2,000 words for each of these days to break down my 10,000 word count shortfall to just over 3,000 words. On April 26 I penned just over 3700 words.
And this is why I’m going to say that I may just be a late closer. Although I know how much I need to do on average to complete a task – life gets in the way. But it’s also possible to have days that are so much more than average when it comes to their productivity. So wish me luck! The 50k goal is not out of reach yet 😉