We’ve finally had our autumn break and some blessed rain recently. It’s so nice to see things greening up and I’ve even needed to mow the lawn! Bulbs are pushing through and the heavy rain that we received got me to thinking about a potential chapter in a story I’ve been working on.

I didn’t achieve my CampNano writing goals for April, however it was still a productive writing month. Although I ended up around 5,000 words short of my total goal, I did manage to finish Thoroughbred Breeders number nine! I have also completed around 9,000 words in the ninth Free Rein book.
One of the standalone novels that I am working on to be titled Refuge is developing well. It seems to me that if one book isn’t allowing me to progress, I am best to work on another and that appears to be the case at the moment for the current Free Rein book. So I will continue to write whichever book is progressing and hopefully make some more progress with the next Free Rein book in the near future.
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