Evening everyone! It’s time for another NanoWriMo and a new horse novel!
I have had a busy, busy few months and found little time – or ideas – for writing horse books. And yet, I have been planning to take part in National Novel Writing Month (NanoWriMo) again this year. Camp Nano in July I ended up around 5,000 words short of my 50,000 goal, but I made progress on four of my novels over this time. I had also planned to proof read the ninth book in the Thoroughbred Breeders Series that was finished back in April, but didn’t get onto this.
And that finished novel still sits, awaiting a proof read and a cover design – hopefully I will achieve this before year’s end!
But I am excited to say that I’ve suddenly had motivation for a novel that I will plan to pen (type) over the month of November. I received a text message today from a previous employer when I worked as a stud hand.

This employer was seeking a manager for the horse property and made the joking suggestion that perhaps I could come back to work and manage. As someone with a husband, 3 children under 6 and a house that we own about an hour away, I questioned how that would be feasible. And the response was that I could move into the house on the property whilst overseeing it.
Now as someone who has had the two best jobs in the world for my passions and skill sets – working as a stud hand and now teaching horse studies and developing online resources – this flippant suggestion made me smile and daydream a little. And a short while later, the idea of developing a story where a single mother of a young child returns to manage the stud farm where she was first introduced to the horse industry had developed. So that is my plan for November! Stay tuned 🙂
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