Sometimes the best way to learn about another horse author is through someone else. I thought it could be nice to explore various horse book authors in 2018. These posts will focus on a particular aspect that the books have in common. It may be the age group they are aimed at or the country in which it is based. Or perhaps both like the authors in this post! So let’s look at 5 horse books based in the US for YA readers.
- Valerie Ormond has some books titled Believing in Horses and Believing in Horses, Too that are set in the United States. They are for young adult readers. Why not check them out at www.believinginhorses.com?
- Laura Wolfe writes the Dark Horse series that is also based in the US and aimed at young adults. You can read about them at her website, http://www.AuthorLauraWolfe.com/.
- Lisa Trovillion has the Maryland Riders series that is for young adults and based in the United States. Take a look at http://www.lrtrovillion.com/books/.
- Ann Hunter has a series titled North Oak that focuses on the thoroughbred industry. It too is US based and aimed at young adult readers. Check them out at https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B072PCSGBH.
- Kim Ablon Whitney writes a series around the show jumping circuit for young adults that is also based in the United States. You can find out about it at her website http://www.kimablonwhitney.com/.
This list is far from exhaustive. In fact, if you have a favourite series that fits under this category, why not reply and tell me about it? And if you’re an author of a book that fits into this category, I’d love to know about it!
*on a side note, please note that these authors are individuals and the content they share within their books doesn’t necessarily fit in with the ideals/Christian emphasis that I portray in mine 😉
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